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10 Must-Watch Sci-Fi Anime | Cosplay-FTW

10 Must-Watch Sci-Fi Anime | Cosplay-FTW

August 28, 2021

10 Must-Watch Sci-Fi Anime | Cosplay-FTW

There’s a lot of binge-worthy sci-fi anime out there. From Mecha to space exploration to time travel, there is no shortage of anime that takes your imagination to a whole new dimension! That's why today we're going to recommend 10 sci-fi anime both classic and new that will have you imagining brand new worlds, and thinking about others that you might find eerily similar to ours.

But what are 10 Sci-Fi animes that you definitely need to watch? Well, chcek out our video and find out!

Also in Cosplay-FTW Blog

Haikyuu!! Character Analysis: Bokuto Kotaro: The Wisdom in Simplicity
Haikyuu!! Character Analysis: Bokuto Kotaro: The Wisdom in Simplicity

September 15, 2021

Despite what his initial appearances and simple-mindedness would suggest, there’s more to Bokuto Kotaro than meets the eye and perhaps it’s this surprising depth, that makes Bokuto stand out in an already colorful cast and cements his popularity among Haikyuu fans.

Today, we explore what makes Bokuto such a powerful character and the beauty in his simple yet deep philosophy. This is ‘Bokuto Kotaro: The Wisdom in Simplicity.’

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Choose An Anime Hero & Reveal Your Hidden Personality | Anime Personality Test
Choose An Anime Hero & Reveal Your Hidden Personality | Anime Personality Test

September 15, 2021

Have you ever wondered what your choice of favorite anime characters says about you? Or what you and some of these characters have in common? Well, today you can find that out! 

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How Powerful is Deku Right Now, Deku's Powers Explained | Cosplay-FTW
How Powerful is Deku Right Now, Deku's Powers Explained | Cosplay-FTW

August 28, 2021

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